Cloud Services
With the modernization of corporate infrastructures being the focus for small to large computing sites, organizations need the ability and agility to quickly provision servers while simultaneously reducing server sprawl, power consumption and administration. This is where we shine and provide cloud access to your line-of-business applications in a secure, trusted environment.
Are You Ready?
Our cloud storage is redundant within at least one geographic place as soon as data is loaded. We also offer multi-regions and dual-region Geo-redundancy, giving us all peace of mind.
Multi-Regional Computing
Utilizing Google Cloud Platform (GCP) for hosting Sage 300, MS-SQL, and other line-of-business applications offers a myriad of benefits compared to traditional on-premise servers.
Budget Friendly
We know what the hardware requirements are for a stable, fast connection so running Sage 300c, HRMS, or Fixed Assets leads to amazingly low cost speed.
Work from anywhere
With quick provisioning, MWL is able to create an environment for clients running Sage 300c with Microsoft SQL back-end, to demonstrate the effectiveness of running in the cloud.
Quick Provisioning
Google Cloud Platform adheres to rigorous security standards and certifications, offering robust security features such as encryption, identity and access management, and regular security audits. This helps organizations meet compliance requirements and enhances the overall security posture of their applications and data.
Security and Compliance
Benefits of MWL Cloud Infrastructure Services
Our VPN tunnel connects to most on-premise hardware routers/firewalls as clients access the cloud using Remote Desktop, MFA(Multi-Factor Authentication).
Secure Access
Run Microsoft SQL Databases with security, high availability and reliability as a fully managed service from regional datacenters
Database Performance
We've partnered with Next-Gen AI Webroot suite of endpoint protection tools that identifies malware, ransomware, spyware, botnets and other infections in real-time across all Virtual Servers.
Threat Protection Suite
Clients choose a plan to test file/folder recovery on a monthly bases as well as test server virtualization on a monthly or quarterly bases which gives everyone piece of mind.
Testing Services
What's Included
Every environment is different, but security needs are the same. Choose from our Sage Basic, Bronze, Silver or Gold Plans.