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Saying good-bye to Windows 7

It has been a long road for Windows 7 users and the view ahead has been admittedly shaken with Windows 8 and Windows 10 acceptance or the lack there of. Jo Harden, writing for reminds us "that End of life for Windows 7 is rapidly approaching, and the criticality of this date is that Microsoft will no longer support the operating system nor provide

security updates. Headlines barrage us daily with details of new cybersecurity threats, and the desktop is certainly one device that cannot exist without security updates."

In less than 18 months, Windows 7 end of life comes to an end on Jan. 14, 2020. As organizations adopt other operating systems, there is still a "large percentage of computers running the nine-year-old Windows 7" system. Reasons may include the old adage "if it ain't broke, don't fix it," no time or money or energy, or the ease of maintaining the status quo. Whatever your reason, know that time is running out.

Adopting Windows 10 can" be as simple as upgrading an existing Windows 7 computer based on your Microsoft licensing agreement, but in many cases, a device refresh may be necessary due to hard drive space, system resources or physical capabilities. From a financial perspective, the cost of a new computer" -- plus IT staff or consultant setup time and lost user productivity during the transition may impact budgets but it must be done.

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