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State of Ransomware


Over 1,700 Managed Service Providers were surveyed around the globe that support well over 100,000 business. The report provides a unique visibility into ransomware and how organizations are dealing with the threat on a daily basis. Here are the key takeaway points from the report:

* Businesses must ensure business continuity with backup disaster recovery. There is no sure-fire way of preventing ransomware. Instead, businesses should focus on how to maintain operations despite a ransomware attack. There is only one way to do this: with a solid, fast, and reliable backup and recovery solution.

* Businesses must prepare the front line of defense: your employees. Today’s companies must provide regular and mandatory cybersecurity training to ensure all employees are able to spot and avoid a potential phishing scam in their inbox, a leading entrance point for ransomware.

* Businesses must leverage multiple solutions to prepare for the worst. Today’s standard security solutions are no match for today’s ransomware, which can penetrate organizations in multiple ways. Reducing the risk of infections requires a multilayered approach rather than a single product.

* Businesses need a dedicated cybersecurity professional to ensure business continuity. SMBs often rely on a “computer-savvy” staff member to handle their IT support and not an IT expert. If a company cannot afford a complete IT staff for 24/7 cybersecurity monitoring, they should be leveraging a Managed Service Provider (MSP) who has the time and resources to anticipate and

protect a company from the latest cybersecurity threats.

* Businesses must also realize that Office 365 and Google Suite of applications are also vulnerable.

Other References: (FREE eBooks to download)

Defending Office 365 Data from Ransomware

The Business Guide to Ransomware

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